Earn money advertising our site AND help other massage students pass the Massage National Exams
How does the affiliate program work?
You use the web banners, buttons and text links that we provide to send visitors to Massage-Exam. For each visitor who purchases a subscription from your link, you will be credited a 30% commission for that sale. Our affiliate program generates a unique link for each affiliate that can be copied and pasted into a webpage or email. All affiliates have access to real time statistics via their web browser. These statistics show how many visitors you are sending to our site, where the visitor clicked on your link, and most importantly how much money that you have earned.
Can anyone join?
Yes, but our program was created with 4 groups in mind. 1. Massage therapy students who use our massage practice exams and would like to recommend the exams to other massage students. 2. Massage therapy instructors who would like to earn some extra income recommending our massage practice exams. 3. Massage therapists who surf other massage websites and chat boards and would like to make some extra money. 4. Owners of massage related websites who would like to expand their revenue streams.
What method is used for affiliate payouts?
The fastest, cheapest and most secure method available right now is Paypal so that is what we use. All we need to pay you is your email address (Sign up for FREE Paypal account). Payouts are made every 3 months to prevent fraudulent signups.
Are there things I am not allowed to do as an affiliate?
1. Sending emails to people as a direct solicitation to sign up for the program.
2. Posting our banners or links on bulletin boards and chatrooms where it is a violation of their policies.
What ways can I market the affiliate program?
1. Put our link or banners on your website and earn a 30% commission on every sign up that is generated.
2. Put our links or banner in your email signature and earn a 30% commission on every sign up.
3. Put our links or banner in your bulletin board or chatroom signature where you CONTRIBUTE and earn 30% for every visitor that signs up for our massage exams.
5. Have our web link tattooed on your back or arm and have people laugh at you.
That being said if we get a complaint about an affiliate spamming we will give them one warning. If the spam is reported again the account will be suspended.
How do I register for the affiliate program?
If you are an existing Massage-Exam.com member then sign into your members area here . In the user navigation bar you will see "Affiliate Info", select and configure you payout method.